Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Are You Feeling About CSAP?

What are your feelings about CSAP?
Write a reflection on how you feel about the tests and the importance of taking the test seriously.

Thursday, February 17, 2011 he smarter than you?

IBM revealed a supercomputer named WATSON recently on the game show Jeopardy. WATSON is one of the first supercomputers to be tested against humans in a trivia game show. This is intended to be a display of the capabilities of computers in the future.

Watch the video and answers these few questions:
1. Do you think computers will become more intelligent that humans?
2. Are supercomputers good or bad? Why?
3. What are your thoughts on this topic?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not Enough Exercise?

We read last week about how studies are showing that kids are not getting enough exercise by simply playing team sports. It seems interesting that when we think about exercise we almost always think about sports.

Last year, First Lady Michelle Obama began a program to try to help with the problem of childhood obesity (kids being highly overweight). Watch this video and write a reaction explaining how you feel about this topic.

Some possible responses could include:
1. Why obesity is or is not a problem?
2. What habits you have to try to prevent becoming obese? (eating right, exercising)
3. How this topic makes you feel?