Hello 4th Grade Students and Parents!
We are going to have a great year! The first topic that I would like students to do on the class blog is to learn how to comment on posts.
Please respond to the question:
What is more important being able to read or being able to write?
You can only choose one.
Reading is more important because you can not write if you can't read.
Reading because it is entertainment.
reading because u can put a picture in your mind and it dose'nt hurt your hand.
reading so you can learn to write
I think reading is more inportant because you can learn alot and it gives you something to do in your FREE time. :)
reading because if you could not read then you would not be able to write
I think it is more impotent to be able to read than write beacuse if you can't read than you can't write.
reading is more imprtant than writting because if you can`t read you can`t write
Reading is more important than writting becouse if you can't raed you cant write
I think reading is more important beacause you need to read what you write.
I think writing is more important because someone can read to you.
reading,because you have to read what you write.
Reading,beacause you can't write if you dont know how to read.
Reading because if you can read you can read educational books and gain knowledge.
writting because you cant read if thar is nothing written.
reding is imporetant because you cant wite.
reading makes more since, than writing.
i think that reading is more impotint
If you cant read you cant write
Reading is because you cat't write if can't read.
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