Thursday, October 21, 2010

Should Silly Bandz Be Banned From School?

Silly Bandz are everywhere!! Many schools across America are banning students from bring Silly Bandz to school. Twain has not banned SIlly Bandz yet but there is a chance that a school-wide ban could happen.

Many teachers say that Silly Bandz cause arguments between students, distract students from doing work and even see students stealing other students Silly Bandz.

Write a response explaining your opinion about Silly Bandz:
Should Silly Bandz be banned from Twain? Why or Why Not?


Alex said...

I kind of agree And I kind of don`t agree.

Charlie said...

I think silly bands should not get banned from our school because they are not distration to me and I dont think they distraced other kids!!!

Colin L. said...

I think that silly bands should not be banned from our school as long as it doesn't affect kids learning. A lot of the time they can be a distraction. But if you ignore them until recess they're okay.

Alexa said...

I think silly bands should be banned from school because they are just a distraction.

Lucas said...

I think they are not a problem becuase kids should have other privlegis than recess. Why should it be teachers choice to deside what they want to bann.In my opion kid and other studens around the countrey chioce to determen the fate of silly bandz.

Chris.J. said...

I personally feel if kids just left Silly Bandz at home they wouldn't be such a big problem at school.

Kayla S. said...

I think silly bands should be band from Twain. They couse poeple to feel lefed out just because they don't have them. They also couse people to fight.

Trevor said...

Yes we need to ban silly bands because people are always asking if I have silly bands. I also get tired of people trading them around and always asking if you want to see them. It gets annoying. I really get tired of people always talking about silly bands. If I did have silly bands I think that they would really bug me on my wrist.

Kate said...

I think they should be banned because I once wore them and they were a distraction to me so I don’t like them anymore. I also don’t like how when I am doing work people are trading them it is a distraction to me. Silly bands are causing fights and I do not like it.

Anonymous said...

I don' think that they shuld be band

Riley said...

Why do we need Silly Bandz? When they first came out nobudy was sure about them but then they spread across the country. I think that having Silly Bandz out of school would be a lot better than in school.

Kayla.H. said...

In my book, Yes. Silly bandz should be banned. One of the reasons they should be banned is becuase they are a distraction. I myself have seen them be a distraction with my own eyes. Thay are a big distraction in class work.

Alex said...

I know that silly bandz are kind of a distration. I know why they're getting bannd at diferent schools. I like them to but I know that there a distration and teachers don`t like them and if kids just left them at there house they might even get beter grades and that means good money and a good life. So leave them at HOME!

Caroline S said...

Yes, they should band silly bandz! Silly bandz are causing a distraction from our learning time! People are trading them and not learning anything! They already get taken away but that is not enough! That is just what I think.

Chloe said...

I think Silly Bands should be banned from Twain because they are just rubber bands that distract kids from learning and paying attention. They don’t last that long either the silly bands get little rips in them and come apart and then kids start to fight over them and get mad. Another reason why silly bands should be banned from twain is at recess kids will steel silly bands from other kids. Silly bands are also on kids wrists and they sometimes they hurt and leave marks on wrists and some time are around necks and leave marks.

Adam said...

I think they should ban silly bands from kids. If kids are flicking them self they should be taken away. I think kids get them because they look cool. Another reason they should be banned is because kids fight over them. You should only get to wear the live strong ones. Some are too small for your arm and you loss blood circulation.

Taylor said...

No, Silly Bands should not be banned from school because us kids LOVE to have something to trade at school recess. I think we should take a "Vote" to ban them or not. P.S.,I LOVE Slly Bands.Do you
LOVE them to?

Joey said...

I think that if silly bands were banned, it would just mean more problems. For example, kids would start to try and sneak them in, and that would just cause even more problems for the teachers.I think that the rule should be simply this:Kids should be allowed to bring silly bands to school, but if the teacher sees a kid distracted by them, the individual student will be banned from them.

Nadia said...

I think Silly Bandz should be banned from school because they are a distraction in class. In specials like P.E . when Mrs. T is explaining directions to a game, Silly Bandz become a distraction to learning because kids are playing with them and not paying attention. Silly Bandz should be banned and that is my opinion .

Tyler said...

Silly bandz should only be band from kids who play with them beacuse it's mean to kids who don't play with them. I don't realy like them beacuse some kids traed them in class and I can't work!

Rachael said...

I think Silly bands sould be banned. Because they are such a distraction and if you have alot lots of kids will ask what are they and if you want to trade and it gets distracting and annoying