Thursday, December 9, 2010

Evan's Blog Topic: Giving or Receiving?

Blue Gift Clip Art

The winter holidays are coming soon and that means people will be giving and recieving presents.

Which is better, to give a gift or receive a gift?

Write several complete sentences to support your opinion.


Quinn O. said...

For me giving is much much more important than receving. When I was little I thought recieving was more important,but over the years I relized that it is selfish and rude. It also feels good to give. Now you know why I think giving is better than reciving.

Colin L. said...

I believe that giving is better because you know that you are making other people's lives better. And whenever you give you get something even better. My family gives gifts to needy people. We give gifts to things like the Salvation Army and other places. It is especially good to give around the holidays.

Charlie F. said...

I think giving is better than recieving because if no one gave gifts then there would be no gifts to recieve. I think sometimes people recive many gifts and others very few. If you are less fortunate it would be nice to recieve gifts.

mario said...

I think giving is beter than geting. becase you are being kind and it makes you feel good. but dont get me rong I like to receviv.

Trevor S. said...

I think giving is better because it is so fun to see someones face when they get somthing from you. You always feel happy when you make someone else happy because they always will enjoy it. It is nice feeling when you see the person you gave the gift to use it.

evan said...

I think that giving is better than receiving because the true meaning of Christmas is to give.I also think this because when you give it shows you care for others.

Adam M. said...

I think giving is better than receiving. I think you make people feel good when you give to them. I would feel bad if I gave someone something and I got nothing in return. So I would rather give.

Rachael said...

I think giving is better. I think giving is better because then you can give someone joy. You don’t feel really greedy if you get a lot of presents and you dont give any. You will have a good feeling when you give a present to someone. If you give none and you get a lot then you will probably have a good feeling for getting stuff but also a selfish feeling. Giving helps you become a generous person. - Rachael

Lucas said...

I think that giving not receiving is better. Because you feel good in the heart and the person you give to feels even better than you. Because they know that you thought of them and that is the true spirit of the holidays.

Alexa said...

I think giving is better than receiving. Because people feel good and people will think someone cares about them. That will make someone’s day. Then I feel better about my self too.

Alexa said...

I think giving is better than receiving. Because people feel good and people will think someone cares about them. That will make someone’s day. Then I feel better about my self too.

Evan said...

I think giving is better than receiving because the true meaning is to give.If you give it shows that you care for others.

Alex P. said...

I think that giving is better because it feels good when the person who you gave the gift to opens it. I like geting gifts to but I think that giving is better. Giving isn't the true meaning of Christmas.the true meaning of Christmas is more than getting gifts and giving gifts. It's the day that God gave us his son. The day Jesus was born. Thats what I think.

Taylor said...

Giving is worth the world to me because it makes me feel like I am an “ELF” sent from the “NorthPoll”. I do laugh at some things I get for Christmas, but I know that the one family member that got it for me feels the same way I do about giving.

Tyler said...

For me giving is better because I like the feeling when someone says thank you. But I like getting presents to. I celebrate Christmas because it is about giving not receiving.

Emma said...

I think giving is better than receiving because the holidays are all about giving. You are giving to people who need help and happiness. My family is more fortunate than lots in this world. Every year my church helps a school in need and it feels so good to help. So my opinion is giving is better than receiving.

Kayla.H. said...

Receiving gifts is fun but giving is better.
One reason is that you get to see the faces of friends and family.
The smiles are delightful.
You also can give joy or and happiness.
I love to give.

Kayla S. said...

I think that giving is better than receiving because you are being kind and giving people the joy to get a present from you. And you get a very good feeling that will bring you happiness during dark times in the holidays. And lots of people don’t get very many presents or very good presents and when you get them one more present they add it to their list!!! Then they have a better holiday!

Nadia said...

I think that Giving is better than Receiving. I think this because the true meaning of Christmas is to give because God and Jesus weren’t greedy and they gave to the homeless and orphans in their time. If you receive and not give you’re only thinking of yourself.

Caroline S. said...

I think giving is better than receiving because you help someone in need that is less fortunate. You can make someone have a smile on their face. You could help a life to give food or water or something. Everyone likes presents but I think it is better to give than receive.

Riley R. said...

I think the true meaning of Christmas is to give and not receive because if you give it not only the people that you give the gift to them it’s you to that feels good to.

Caroline S. said...

I think giving is better than receiving because you help someone in need that is less fortunate. You can make someone have a smile on their face. You could help a life to give food or water or something. Everyone likes presents but I think it is better to give than receive.

Chris.J said...

I think giving is better.I think we should give presents to the homeless,because they can't afford to give there children presents. I think that we should also give orphans presents,because they don't even get what they want.That's why i think giving better.