Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not Enough Exercise?

We read last week about how studies are showing that kids are not getting enough exercise by simply playing team sports. It seems interesting that when we think about exercise we almost always think about sports.

Last year, First Lady Michelle Obama began a program to try to help with the problem of childhood obesity (kids being highly overweight). Watch this video and write a reaction explaining how you feel about this topic.

Some possible responses could include:
1. Why obesity is or is not a problem?
2. What habits you have to try to prevent becoming obese? (eating right, exercising)
3. How this topic makes you feel?


Quinn O. said...

Obesity is a big problem in todays world. If I were obese I would not know what to do with my self. I'm definitely going to start exercising more now that I have seen this video.

Adam said...

What I can do to keep myself in shape is do push ups,sit ups, nd workouts. I think if I don't do that i could become overweight. I would not be proud of myself if I become overweight.I do sports to keep me in shape.

Colin L. said...

This topic makes me feel kind of worried because if lots of kids are obise the future can't be that great because we will all be in hovercraft chairs or something like in Wall-E. None of us will get exercise and that will eliminate sports.

Lucas said...

obesity is a big problem it can shorten these kids lives and they are lucky if they make it to their teens. Habits i have to keep healthey are not eating or drinking to many suger filld foods and drinks. This video makes me feel lucky that i dont have obesity.

Trevor said...

I think that obesity is a problom because you may get embarresed. You may get sick a lot from not eating right and not geting the reccommended exercise. One of my habits is reading for a long time. Then not going out side beacuse I am reading. This topic makes me feel bad that it is a lot of times parents do not make there kids go out side and they dont give there kids food that is healthy for them.

Kate S. said...

I think child obesity is a problem because you could die from not getting enough exercise or not eating right. This is also taking up alot of money. This makes me feel sad because its not the childs fault. We need to stop this problem. I am do gymnastics to stay in shape maybe you should try something like that.

Alex said...

I think that the lady is right and kids should do more exercising but
I think that sports are good exercise. its just so expensive. So most parents don't put there children in sports becuase they cant pay for it. so it's not our fault it's the people who run the sports thing.

Riley R. said...

Obesity is a big problem because lots of kids will not have such a long life span as you and me. That is what I think but not every on agrees with me. My mom, dad and two little brothers have started to eat healthier so that we live a as long as we can and get more exersise. this topic makes me fell good that I am all ready folowing this.

PatriciaF. said...

Michel Obama gave a speech about child obesity and how school’s shooed be heather by not having greasy food’s and we can have some sugar but only 1nc or 2wic a week and that way we are healthy at home and at school. When my dad goes shopping [Only because no one else will do it] he can’t read labels so he does not know if he is feeding us heath foods or not. So please make the ingredients on the bake bigger.

Nadia said...

I feel bad for these children who are obese. This is a major problem for kids who are 5 -14. People need to step up and do something about this, parents need to take concern about this and start getting healthier food in there digestive system. So people need to start making their products healthier to help this problem. This topic is sad for me because my mom is overweight and she goes to the gym but that doesn’t help her, because you only lose 1 pound in 1 week and now she’s on medical weight loss. This why I have strong feelings for this topic.

Caroline said...

This makes me notice to look at how much sugar or salt is in the food so we can eat healthy and get active. This is a problem because too many people are obese when they should be thin. America should be doing healthy choices. I do gymnastics 1 a week for 3 ½ hours and I play outside and I eat healthy. I’m happy because I’m not obese. I play the wii and do wii fit. I’m hope that are world will become a healthier world!

Emma said...

I feel that obesity definitely is an issue and kids aren’t getting enough exercise. Kids aren’t getting enough exercise and nutrition in their food. Ways you can prevent obesity from happening, you can limit TV and video games to about 1 hour a day, play outside more and eat an apple for a snack instead of candy. It’s a sad thought that kids are dealing with obesity at such a young age. So I think obesity should stop.

Kayla H said...

First Lady Michelle Obama has a point.
To many kids are becoming overweight, and instead of running around they sit on their butt and play video games and try to break non active records.
I play soccer, basketball, and run track and field.
I LOVE SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kayla S. said...

I think that childhood obesity is a big problem because children will have shorter lives and not get enough exercise. The habits that I have keep me fit are walking my dogs every day, playing soccer, and playing with my dogs in my backyard. This topic makes me feel bad for all the children that have obesity.

Charlie said...

That speech made me feel like more kids have to get exercise and not just sit around and do nothing all day. They also should get outside and play more with friends and maybe get involved in sports. How I stay in shape is do track and play alot of sports.

Tyler said...

Obesity is a big problem because most kids are not eating healthy and not exercising. Instead of watching T.V. you can go outside and play with your friends and instead of drinking a can of soda you can drink a can of juice. I think that it is just sad that there are so many obese kids.

Ryan said...

Mrs. Obama wants kids to play more and eat heathier to get a better education. They are going to make the top beverage companys have the sodium and stuff like that checked. They are going to make a food program. Habits I have is drink milk with most of my meals and exercise.

Taylor said...

The way I feel about Mrs.Obama's HEALTH speach is that we can grow up healthy, happy, in shape, and just the way Amarican kids should grow up.I am in good shape and I do good in school, at home, and I try to eat halthy by having fruit with lunch.Obesity is hurting America and we need to do something about it.

Chloe said...

I think obesity is a problem because too many kids are eating salty and fattening food and they’re not getting enough exercise because they would rather play video games for seven and a half hours then just going outside and playing for an hour. It also makes me feel upset when I know that kids like me around the world are getting obese because there either not getting enough exercise or there not eating correctly. When they could just be eating the right foods and get enough exercise not just because there supposed to but because they want to.

Evan M said...

I think that obesity is a problem because it is bad for kid’s health and they can die if they don’t start thinking about what this can do to them. What I do to stay healthy is to turn off the T.V. and go outside to play basketball with my neighbors and sometimes I play games with my friends. This topic makes me feel like more kids should eat less junk food and get more exercise.

Chris said...

I think that maybe stores are going a little over board with sugar.I think that we should start to be a little more responsible about what we eat. My grandma has a bad flouid that makes her sick,and now she is on a diet. That is one of the reasons that I eat healthier now. That is why I think we should eat healthier now.

Nolan said...

I think that how much you eat can be just as important.I saw Mrs. Obama on Disney Channel talking about the same thing. I am going to try to eat healthier food. I exercise a lot in the summer.

Alexa said...

I think that obesity is a terrible things for children to have. Sports are a good way to keep you active. I think that childhood obesity is very bad because you can’t be active with your friends. I think it’s a great topic to focus on. I play soccer and basketball to stay in shape.