IBM revealed a supercomputer named WATSON recently on the game show Jeopardy. WATSON is one of the first supercomputers to be tested against humans in a trivia game show. This is intended to be a display of the capabilities of computers in the future.
Watch the video and answers these few questions:
1. Do you think computers will become more intelligent that humans?
2. Are supercomputers good or bad? Why?
3. What are your thoughts on this topic?
I think some time in the next 10 years computers will be smarter than humans. I think supercomputers are bad because they might start replacing teachers. I think this topic is interesting because these supercomputers might become a big part of our lives.
I think that computer s will not become smarter than humans because the humans have to program it in the robot Watson. I think super computers are not good because they will just take over what a human can already do. My thoughts on this topic are that I do not like what super computers are doing because they are just going to take the place of humans. If we didn’t have super computers then I would be fine with that.
I think that computers will become more intelligent than humans because of technology. Super smart computers are both good and bad because they can help figure out hard questions. They are bad because people might get jealous of them and destroy them. I think the Watson is really cool!
1. yeah i think super computers are smarter than people. what would we do with out them they help us analize stuff.
2. i think super computers are good because without them we would not have goten to the moon.
.3 ithink if we are the only ones in the unavers we could use robots to gain taratory.
NO, I don’t think that computers will beat humans because humans are actually alive and they can study more and maybe even know more than the computers. Yes, Super computers are good because they can help you find facts if you have a big essay or if you just need to find something for everyday subjects. I really like how they are challenging people to go against a computer and try to see if the human race is smarter than computers. Technology is a good thing to have around.
I thought that WATSON was amazing. After seeing this video I'm sure that some computers will be and already are more intelligent than humans. I also think that supercomputers are good only if they are used for useful purposes.
I think computers will get more intelligent over time, but with computers getting more intelligent humans let the computers do all the thinking and work. To me they’re both. Yes, because they are super cool and they will get better with technology getting better. No, because people aren’t doing any of the thinking. It very cool and interesting, but who knows what will happen to the intelligence in the human race.
Yes, I do think that computers will be more intelligent than humans some day. I think that super computers are good because they can help us accomplish things. My thoughts about this topic is that I love technology and that it is a great topic.
No, I do not think computers will be more intelligent than humans because humans create the computers and put information in them. I don't think that computers can maintain information that humans don't know. I believe that supercomputers are good, as long as we don't give them feelings like in I Robot. I think this topic is amazing.
After watching the video Mr. Watanabe posted I think maybe computers might be smarter. My best guess is that Watson is smarter than me but I am in 4th grade. I think supercomputers might be a good thing because some Dell or Max computers aren’t as smart. I like this topic because it’s something that could be nice to have if you have a good question you cannot answer.
I think that computers will become more intelligent than humans. Supercomputers are good because if you need help you can just go to the computer. I feel good about the computer.
I think that computers whon't become more inteligent than humans becuase people have to know every thing that they put in watson or they couldn't have it in there becuase they wouldn't know it.super computers are bad becuase people whont learn any thing becuase the computers will just tell you and you whont learn it.I think that we should not have super computers becuase in the future no one will learn enything becuase the computers will just tell you everything.
Yes Watson is smarter than me. I am in 4th grade and Watson is technology.
Yes I think computers will become smarter than humans.
I think this is not good because than they will take advantage of it and not use their brains.
Kayla .H.
I think computers will become more intelligent than humans. I think computers are good. For example, if you are stuck on a question and you’ve been on that question for a long time, you can go to your computer and search the question and you would get the answer for that problem that you’ve been on. I thought that this was an interesting video.
Watson is smarter than me so I guess that computers can be smarter than mankind. Super computers are good because without a super computer we could not do are current event or study for tests.My thought on this topic is that you are teaching us that we are not as smart as we think
I think this topic about Watson is really cool because it knows so many things just like a human. I also think that computers will be more intelligent than the average human. Computers know everything and with all the tech tools these days people are becoming lazy. To me it is bad because we have too much technology. I don’t like that. I can’t believe our world is like this.
I think that computers can become smarter than humans because they can memorize things better and they have a lot of knowledge programmed into them. I think super computers are good because they could help with teaching in the future. This topic makes me feel like technology is taking over, in factory’s they have mechanical arms instead of people working there, they even have 3D televisions!
i think that computers will be more inteliget then humans. I think that it is good for us becase it will help us with stuff. I think that WATSON is pritty cool
I think supercomputers can’t become smarter than they already are. They already have history in their memory cards, text books and even more. To me supercomputers are a bad thing because they can out beat humans and take money away from people and their family. They can be a major problem in our society because they can steal peoples jobs if their jobs were working for Comcast , other TV broadcasters, cell phone companies and even teachers. I don’t like this new invention. It can take over the jobs of our parents and maybe your future jobs. This is sad for me because if they take over jobs my mom wouldn’t have a job anymore because she works at Comcast, it would just be horrible for me and my family.
I do not think that computers will become more intelligent then humans because we make computers and we can’t make something smarter than us. We have to place all the information that it knows so we will be as smart as them. I think that super computers are bad because then we will not figure anything out because we would look on computers. I think that it is cool that we can make something so intelligent that some of the best jeopardy contestants can’t answer before it. The creators of Watson used things like dictionaries and other things that have a lot of information.
I don’t think computers will become smarter than humans, because we are smarter. Plus, I think super computers aren’t bad. Also, my thoughts on this topic is that computers are just intelligent, not smart.
Yes, I think that technology will be more intelligent than humans.
No, I don’t think that super computers are a good thing because people might take advantage of the super computers and they would not learn the proper way.
I thought that the super computer was amazing.
Alexa W.
Jeopardy tested Watson and he’s a super-computer.
I do think computers will get so much smarter than we are and will ever be because they can have all of these TARA-BITES and we don’t.
We are being lazy when we use super-computers so I really don’t like WATSON or any other computers like it.
Super-computers are not on my good-list because they are using way too much energy that wherever it is it will cost lots of money.
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