Thursday, October 6, 2011

Should Kids Use Social-Networking Sites?

In this week's Time For Kids appeared an opinion article that asked the question: Should Kids use Social-Networking Sites?

While many of these sties have rules about the age for its users, not all of these sites enforce these rules. Kids of all ages are using these sites to connect with friends and get information. Some say that people use social networking sites to write hurtful things, others say these sites are a great way to communicate with friends. What do you think?

Please share your opinion about social networking sites and kids?
1. Should kids use sites like Twitter and Facebook? Why or Why not?
Use examples support your opinion.


conrad said...

Yes because kids need to learn how to use computers.I also think kids should learn how to use these networking sites. Its also a good way to learn about technology.Its a good cool way to talk to friends.Thats why I think this way.

HudsonN said...

Response: YES because you can keep in touch with people far away. Also to get word out and get new friends and to talk to people.

Ana S. said...

Yes because kids can find and talk to people in state and out of state. it is also a fun way to talk to people or share ideas faster.It mostly can be used by kids if they stay safe

Jack P :) said...

Hi, I think you SHOULD because if your catching up with what you are sending you can see if it is right or wrong. if you don't think you don't have to because its up to you.My point is that if you know that your parents/guardian keeps up with it i would think it would be good. I'm not familiar with twitter so you can't ask me about about that.


Jenna B said...

I think yes because I think it is a quicker way to write to people and it is fun. But kids must be aware that there are people in the world that are mean. I think kids also need to be responsible for what they are sending and reading.

Regan H said...

I don't think kids should have a Face book or twitter because people can post inappropriate things and pictures.Sometimes people don't use the Internet wisely.

CalebS said...

Yes cause it gives kids a chance to make new friends.Also I think they need to be careful what they say so they don't heart that person's feelings.

Andres p said...

I think that it is OK to on face book. Because kids can see face book and talk to friends. But have permission from parents to go on face book. Thats my opinion

Jillian said...

Because maybe kids might get insulted by what somebody sent them or they might insult somebody by sending them something inapropreate

cj m said...

yes because if a family member live far away so you can see them and you can not forget them even if i do not have one

Kassie C. said...

Yes Because it won't be hurtful if you write something hurtful because if you do your parents would find out and you would get in trouble anyway.So I think it is okay if your parents have acsess to your accont then I think it's okay.That is my opinon.

Angie M said...

I think people should have a face book because you can talk to people that you don't have there phone number and if you cant see them anymore you can text them but let your mom and dad know your face book account:)

khyyam c said...

No kids should not use Facebook or Twitter unless there 18 or older because it can attract strangers to your house.

Alex p said...

I think that people should be able to get encouragement fast you can talk to someone on facebook or twitter to get it at the time you need it

Gracea said...

no because people can write not kind and hurtful things on face book and twitter and I would not like one of my friends to go to face book or twitter.

Nathan B :) said...

I think yes because it would be easer for people to communicate with each other.but I also think people should post go comments and not bad ones.I also think people should be at an age of nine or older to be one Internet.This is what I think of kids on Internet.


Brelam said...

Yes because they can talk to there friends instead of talking on the phone and if they are fare fare fare away and you can lose connection.

BrandonB said...

I thank that people under 13 years old should not go on face book because if they cant erase what they say.

Tabitha.T said...

My opinion is yes because kids could talk to their friends that had moved away.And because they could plan party's and and projects.

Grant F said...

Kids should use social networking sites because in the future people will be using computers for more and more stuff and kids need to learn how to communicate over the internet and post offices are going out of business and if they do social networking sites will be the only other way to communicate.

Caitlin C. said...

I think that we should have social-Networking Sites because I think that some kids are responsible enough to have their account because I know that they will not post hurtful or inappropriate stuff on there.

Caitlin C.

DeLannag said...

No because some kids spend to much time on
Facebook and twitter and there could be
people on there that they dont know and some people can be mean.

Kellie p said...

I think kids should be aloud to but they need to only be aloud on kid websites that the rules say only for kids.

kaylah said...

kaylah said NO

because that is how you can get hurt and you dont want to be the next person to get mentally hurt and it is not the best idea to have a facebook account or twitter account unless you are 18 or older and it is sad for kids that have already been through what you dont want to go through

sadliy kaylah

Anonymous said...

Yes I think kids should be aloud to have a facebook account only if their parents have full access to their kids account and their parents say it is okay to have an account.

Austin P. said...

NO! because some times people post inappropriate stuff on face book or twitter.

Matthew said...

I think kids should be able to go to twitter because people can put disgusting pictures. You know what i mean. Kids from 8 to 12 should not go to Facebook because you can see discussing pictures and you can post videos.

Sawyer said...

I really don't think kid should be on those kinds of sights because some adults may put violent or inappropriate content on there. And plus there are probably some very violent games or links to some violent games on face-book and twitter. So that is why kids under 18 should NOT I repeat NOT go on face book and twitter

Scott said...

I think we should have them because it"s a good communication like if some one was far away you cold go on face book or twitter also kids should go on it if there parents u prove of it.

Will said...

I would not want to have a face book or twitter because people could post inappropriate images or words. Also I think not because other people might give your computer viruses. The parents also will not know what their kids are talking about

Anna said...

I don't think kids should be able to do face-book or twitter because you can get into a lot of weird things like violent games and adult rated stuff. They also make you put you address and phone number.

Thats what I think.

ConnorC said...

I think kids should have facebook because if your parents are ok with it then its a great experience. They can talk to friends far away

lukas said...

i think that kids shuold not use facebook and twitter because a nuther person might put sum thing that can be

Isabelle said...

No! I think they should not because it can show inappropriate images,words,and other things that very inappropriate.Another reason why kids should not have a face-book or twitter is that if you are just sitting in front of the computer all day you will not have energy and you will be very lazy.The last reason kids should not have a face-book or twitter account is that if you click on something you could brake your computer and you could also get a viris.

Benjamin said...

I think that Kids should be able to use social networking sites.I think that they should be able to use social networking sites because if kids are very far away from a city or town they can't make very many friends. Also they can make better relationships with out having to drive or walk somewhere. Another reason is that they can do it any time without having to schedule it. Those are reasons I think Kids should be able to use social networking sites.

AllieD said...

I think no because you can post inappropriate things. Kids should not ever because they will learn not so good things like bad words. I would never go on face book because it is really bad to go on.I will never go on face book.

Breianna KM said...

I think no because its a bad thing to do because kids need to make new friends at school instead of making friends on face book and on twitter. Also because some bad people are on face book and on twitter. Twitter and face book have bad people like a mean 39 year old might say that hes a 12 year old boy and ask if he can have you address so he can track you down and steel you and he said he wants a play date but he lied. Thats why you should not go on face book or twitter.

Brianab. said...

I think no because thats ware kids hear inappropriate stuff and can see it on Face book. that kind of stuff also if you by accidentally told them your last name or when your going on a vacation it could be really bad if they find out that kind of information. Thats why I think kids shouldn't go on those websites or at least kids under 11 or 12.

Lexi H said...

I do not think kids should be able to have a facebook account because it is public to the whole world. (LIKE MY GRANDMA COULD BE LOOKING AT IT). Twitter could be okay because its like an E-mail, and some people follow there favorite Pop star like Victoria Justice. And thats what I think.

santiago said...

I think yes kids should be able to use facebook and twiddler because what if you are trying to get hold of someone in your family that lives in a another state you can go on facebook a say hi and mostly everyone goes on facebook so you should get a hold of them

Rebekah said...

I think that kids should not be allowed to use Facebook because people can hack into their account and put bad things on it easily.I think it is okay for kids to have twitter and blog accounts.I think this about twitter because all you are basically looking people up.I thik this about blogger because you can control what comments are posted on your blog and what you see.

Brandon said...

Yes I Do think that people should be able to be on Facebook because they should be able to access that stuff

bryanh said...

N0 because there are bad thing on the face-book and you can tip bad thing.You can put bad pitcher of things.

Taylor said...

yes I Think Kids should because they should visit with friends and family.

Alyssa B said...

I think kids should be aloud o use to twitter because some times the only thing some kids do is follow there favorite pop stars. I think that kids should not be allowed to use facebook because there could be really bad language. And some people look for people to get a job. So if a kid on accented click the wrong thing you could have job the next day.So i think that you probably should not have a facebook but I think Twitter is fine.

skyler said...

no.Because I think that face-book is a bad website because alot of bad people go on that website.Plus if somebody does a bad word then everybody will see it.Twitter does the same thing both of think is not safe.h twitter to. But i do think that gmail is a good website because people have to know your password to send you mail.I also like glogster. I think it is a safe website.That is why I do not think they are very safe for kids.

abby said...

NO!Because i would want to meet my friend in person instead of on the Internet and because people put mean things that could hurt your feelings.

Paige said...

1.Oh yeah we so should because if you have a friends like in Nevada you can talk to them and you don't have to pay money just to go for like one day.
2.You don't have to meet them like in five days you can meet them on the computer.

Shaelyn said...

I think that kids should not use Twitter and Facebook because, kids could type mean words on their computers. They could also type for a long time and their parents would not like it. Kids could even post mean pictures on their computers. So I would not do Twitter and Facebook.

AuroraS. said...

No!I think it can hurt other people and who ever is on your file can see it and it can hurt that person. When it is online everyone can see it and once it online you can't denie it or erease it.

SophiaS said...

I think kids should not because they can say bad things and kids will remember
there whole life.Also there are bad people on Face book.Same with Twitter. And if somebody goes on your website and messes it up then your computer dreams are gone.But I do think G mail and glogster are good that is why you use it at school.that are most of the reasons I think kids should not go on Face book and Twitter.

Thank you from SophiaS