Monday, October 29, 2012

Longer School Days?

In the recent Time For Kids article, we read a feature article about how many cities around the United States have extended the school day. It brings up an interesting question: Do you think it is a good idea to make school days longer? Why or Why not?


Danielk said...

I say no because it is already long.Also some people like to play video games.If the day was shorter I would do it if we had a bunch of math homework.I would make it longer if we had p.e. all day.If we get a shorter day we would get a longer time to do what we want.

BraelynnB said...

No they should not have school days longer. I say they should be shorter in my opinion and kids needs to get exercise. and I think school should go for 4 days and that is what I think.

Ross C. said...

I wouldn't have time for extra classes in school so I would say no we should not have longer school days. Why? Because what if we were hungry? When could we eat? What if a kid had a practice for a sport and the league was very competitive and you couldn't be late to practice?

Ryan B. said...

I do not think kids should have a longer school day because kids have after school sports and homework. Plus, that means getting up earlier. Kids need time to get up in the morning and get ready. Kids have other activities to do at home and a longer school day would make it harder.

Grant vH. said...

I think school should not be longer because some time during the day the kids are going to get tired.Another reason why is that kids have another life to live at home than school and they might have sports after school and if you make the day longer you will miss the sport.

Elizabeth P. said...

No I don't think it is a good idea to make school days longer. The only reason why is that I say that is because maybe you got told something like you had a surprise waiting for you when you got home from school. There are a lot of reasons but some of them are longer than others and some are shorter than others so I am only going to give you one or two more. I don't mean that school is not fun or interesting or something but sometimes it can get tiring from learning so many good and awesome facts. But again there also are facts that can put you to sleep but facts should always should interesting enough so you could not fall asleep that is what some other kids think about school. I would never think about school that way if I was a hundred years old and I didn't remember a lot about school. I will always find school interesting because you will always learn something new even if you forget. This is the reason why I think school days are shouldn't be longer.

Grant vH. said...

Nice response.I like the video game part :)

Danielle H. said...

I think NO! This is because we the kids should have the time to relax.In fact I think we should have a shorter school day. The reason why is we should not spend most of are time in school so we can have more family time.

Max C. said...

No way!!!! School should not be longer because it wastes children's free time!!!!! You can be late for football practice and no one wants to be late for football practice or anything!!!!!!! School has enough learning already and more would be to much.

Mel S. said...

Should school days be longer? No I do not think school days should be longer. I do not think so because because school is long enough already. When I go home I just want to rest. If anything they should be shorter. Most people just want to go homed at the end of the day much less stay longer. I mean I do not think people want to be at school longer then they have to be. Or at least I don't. So that is why I do not think school should be longer.

Connor H. said...

No because kids need time to be free. Kids need to do what kids do. The need time after school to do stuff. They need time for home work games and family time. Kids need time with there family and friends not at school.

Emma G said...

I think school should be longer but only if we don't have any homework. another reason why I think school should be longer is because we need to see our friends. Also we need to learn because we need knowledge in life. But if it is going to be longer we need at least 1 extra recess. If you have sports after school then talk to your coach an discuss a time where you can practice. That is why I said yes.

Samantha S said...

Should school be longer?Yes and we should still have homework.Because I think school helps kids learn things that will be very helpful in life.I also think school should be longer because kids can interact with other kids and become friends with kids at school.i think we should still have homework because even though we have tests it tells the teachers what the kids have learned.that is why I think school should be longer and still have homework.

Ethan said...

No,I think we need to keep the school day the same because it's fun the way it is.If the school hours go up,it will make school
harder for me.When I get home I will be tired and not be ready for foot ball practice.I thinkthat sometimes you need a break.

Jessica B. said...

Should school be longer? NO! I think school should not be longer. Why? Because we homework. I also think that kids should learn but also get time to play before they half to do something. I also think we have the right amount of time for a subject. I also think they should not be longer because some kids already have things that they do, and expanding school would just make it harder for them.Also homework would make it harder on those kids with sports. That is why school should not be longer.