Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Should Kids Play Contact Sports?
Sports are a huge part of kids lives today in America. Many of you play multiple sports and often spend more time practicing for your sport than doing homework. In the recent article in Time For Kids, we read both sides of a debate over whether kids under 14 should play contact sports. We are also learning about how to share opinions in writing.
Take some time to think about the question: Should kids under 14 play contact sports?
You will then write a short explanation of your opinion, using at least three reasons to support your opinion. Please be sure use strong word choice, punctuation and capitalization. Also, be sure to revise and edit your writing prior to posting.
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Yes I think kids should be aloud to play sports under 14.It is good exercise and it gets rid of energy also it makes you stronger.It teaches kids to eat right.Kids think it is fun to they like to jump, run around, and skate. The sports teach kids to make new friends and teamwork. It is not a big risk only a small one.
YES!!! Kids should play contact sports.They teach kids teamwork and they make kids stronger. If they learn at a younger age to play the sport right it will help them when they're younger. A contact sport teaches them to play to play safer.Parent's also make the choice if there kid should play the contact sport or not. Coaches also can help by teaching the kids to not do things that are dangerous. It is also safer if the kid plays the sport right and wears the right gear.So what do you think.
Yes I think kids should be aloud to play contact sports. I play lacrosse and I follow the rules and I am safe. Plus they are making new rules so there as not many injurers.
Yes I think they should be able to because there are rules that if you try to hit their head it would be a penalty. Also they teach you not to have head contact. If there parents are worried they can take their kids away if they think they are getting hurt.
Yes and here are the couple of reasons why. One of the reasons why is that if you play when you are little you can dodge them when you are older. The second reason is that you can learn a lot of new plays and the last reason is the biggest one if you want to play then don't let anyone stop you. Play safe and wear all the gear to help not get hurt.
When contact sports are played, I think that it changes the player and it usually keeps the player in shape if they stay with the sport. I personally think that in football you can’t lead with the head, or in hockey you can’t check to the back and in lacrosse checking is illegal. In my prospective, contact sports are a good way to learn sportsmanship or to stay in shape. Also kids can have fun instead of playing video games all day long. In conclusion, I think that contact sports should NOT be illegal to play.
I think that kids under 14 should be able to play contacted sports.I play football and its illegal to hit in the head or do helmet. If the parents of the kids don't know if it's dangers it is the way the kid acts. If a kid gets hurt its because the kid who hit the other kid was not playing right or the kid that is hurt was not playing right.
Yes I think kids under 14 should be able to play contact sports because you can protect your self if someone is going at your head or body.
Kids under 14 should also be allowed to play contact sports because they can get great exercise and also having lots of fun on that sport they play.
I also think kids under 14 should be allowed to play contact sports because if you start young you can learn the rules so you can hit the other kids properly.
Yes I think that kids under 14 should be able to play contact I sports. Well my first reason why think that kids under 14 can is that it is a way for kids to interact with kids there own age. My second reason is that all contact sports can be safe like soccer and some times football. I think that football is safe but I think it depends on what position that you play. My last reason is that it is really how you play the contact sport. Like how you play with your teammates and how you play against the other team like if you play rough you might get really hurt.
Yes because if kids learn how to play young then it should be fine. Plus their parents are making the decision and risk for their child to play.
If the parent says it's okay then it's okay. I mean if kids want to play and their parent's say yes it's their own risk. Normally they have wavers to sign, so from then on it's the parents who are responsible.
I also say yes because if those kids learn how to play the sport and know how to, they should be able to play. So that's why I say yes!
I think that kids should be able to play contact sports under 14. The first reason why is if you play sports now than you will be better when you're older.
My second reason is if you wear a lot of protection like shin guards, helmets, mouth guards and padding you won't get seriously injured.
My third reason is that sports keep you healthy and you get exercise. Sports are really fun. Go and see for yourself!! Those are 3 of the reasons why I think playing contact sports under 14 should be allowed!!
I think that you should not play contact sports because. You can get seriously injured,you can get brain injuries,you could die,and you could never play sports again!So these are some rules I thought of are no touch to the head,do not play too rough that you really hurt someone.And think about the children and how you could lose them forever plus think of all the stuff I mentioned in the being.And sentes there so young they have a lot of energy so they could seriously hurt someone badly and that is why I think that people under 14 should not be able to play contact sports.By.Jada S.
by: Ethan A
I say that kids are able to play contact sports because people will be bored.Some people are hyper so they can’t keep their intensity inside of them so they are crazy every second and all it is about is having fun.
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